Hoxie Gorge Review is committed to publishing innovative poetry, fiction, and nonfiction by both emerging and established contemporary writers. We aim to provide a platform for writing that is urgent and engaging, regardless of theme or style. To that end, we seek work that compels us, that challenges us, that breaks us open. Our only requirement is quality. Send us your best.

*How to Submit: during our open reading periods we accept unsolicited short fiction, creative nonfiction, and poetry. We especially welcome submissions from marginalized voices and authors from underrepresented communities.

Simultaneous submissions of fiction, nonfiction, and poetry are welcome and encouraged. If your submission is no longer available for publication, please use our online submission portal to withdraw it as soon as possible. If you need to withdraw a single poem, please add a note to your submission and email us at editor@hoxiegorgereview.com.

Previously published work of any kind will not be considered. AI generated work will not be considered; we are only interested in original work by submitting writers.

For poetry, please submit 3-5 poems in a single document. Each poem should start on a new page. For fiction and nonfiction, please send only one story or essay at a time. While we prefer shorter pieces, we are happy to read quality work of any length. 

Please include a cover letter with your contact information and a brief third person bio in the “Comments” section.

Contributors retain all rights but are asked to acknowledge Hoxie Gorge Review as first publisher if works appear in books, anthologies, or future publications. 

Please submit only once per reading period unless the editors have asked to see more of your work. While we aim to respond to your work in a timely manner, please allow up to 3 months for response. 

Hoxie Gorge is also interested in interviews and conversations between writers. Interview pitches and finished interviews can be submitted any time via email to editor@hoxiegorgereview.com. 

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Submit one story. While we prefer shorter works (4,000 words or less), we're happy to read quality work of any length.

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Submit one essay (personal essay, memoir, creative nonfiction). While we prefer shorter works (4,000 words or less) and personal essay / memoir, we're happy to read quality work of any kind and length. 

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Submit 3-5 poems in a single file (Word or PDF).

Hoxie Gorge Review